In education, STBA-PIA signed a cooperation with College of International Culture of South China Normal University (SCNU-CIC) in Guangzhou, China in Transfer of Credit Program. This program is only available for Chinese Department students of STBA-PIA. It is like studying for 2 years in STBA-PIA and the other 2 years in SCNU-CIC. Students can choose 2 concentrations while studying in SCNU-CIC, which are Chinese Teaching and Business Chinese. The students enrolled will enjoy 50% discount of the school-fee in SCNU-CIC. The graduates of both concentrations will achieve B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree from SCNU. To get the S.S. (Sarjana Sastra) degree from STBA-PIA, graduates have to follow the procedures.
在教育方面,亚洲国际友好学院和中国广州华南师范大学国际文化学院签了合作合约进行2+2项目。此项目只针对亚院华文系学生。本科读书期间为两年在亚院,另两年在华师国文。学生可选两个专业方向:示范汉语与商贸汉语。成功被录取的学生即将享受华师国文学费的50%折扣。两方向的毕业者将获得华南师范大学的文学士(B.A./Bachelor of Arts)学位。为了也获得亚院的印尼版文学士(S.S./Sarjana Sastra)学位,学生还必须办亚院所定的手续。