
* only for Teaching
** only for Business
*** only for Tourism

First Semester (Freshman):
  1. Bahasa Indonesia
  2. Conversation I
  3. Reading Comprehension I
  4. Listening Comprehension I
  5. Phonetics I
  6. Vocabulary I
  7. Sentence Structure I
  8. Translation I
Second Semester (Freshman) :
  1. PPKN
  2. Conversation II
  3. Reading Comprehension II
  4. Listening Comprehension II
  5. Phonetics II
  6. Vocabulary II
  7. Sentence Structure II
  8. Translation II
Third Semester (Sophomore) :
  1. Religion Education
  2. Reading Comprehension III
  3. Listening Comprehension III
  4. Phonetics III
  5. Speaking I
  6. Sentence Structure III
  7. Translation III
Fourth Semester (Sophomore) :
  1. Listening Comprehension IV
  2. Reading Comprehension IV
  3. Writing I
  4. Speaking II
  5. Sentence Structure IV
  6. Translation IV
Fifth Semester (Junior) :
  1. Ilmu Sosial Dasar
  2. Writing II
  3. Speaking III
  4. Conversation III
  5. English for Tourism I
  6. English for Business I
  7. Introduction to General Linguistics
  8. English Phonology
Sixth Semester (Junior) :
  1. Language Teaching Method I *
  2. English for Business II **
  3. English for Tourism II ***
  4. Writing III
  5. Speaking IV
  6. Conversation IV
  7. English Morphology
  8. Cross Cultural Understanding
Seventh Semester (Senior) :
  1. Language Teaching Method II *
  2. English for Business III **
  3. English for Tourism III ***
  4. Writing IV
  5. Discourse Analysis I
  6. Sociolinguistics
  7. Semantics
  8. Introduction to Psycholinguistics
  9. Teknik Penulisan Karya Ilmiah
  10. PKL
Eighth Semester (Senior) :
  1. Language Teaching Method III *
  2. English for Business IV **
  3. English for Tourism IV ***
  4. Introduction to Functional Grammar
  5. Pragmatics
  6. Discourse Analysis II
  7. Introduction to Literature
  8. Research Method
  9. Seminar on Linguistics
  10. Skripsi